Thursday, August 29, 2013

Lose Weight and Feel Better by Building Muscle Strength with Free ...

Why Do You Want to Lose Weight?

For any weight loss and fitness program to work you need to know why you want to change your life. Is it vanity or are you sick and tired of being sick and tried? There is much more to think about than losing weight and feeling better about our size.

Why Exercise At All?

With the shifting of our jobs to more technology we are no longer using our bodies in healthy ways to keep them functioning at maximum capacity. The benefits of a regular exercise program go with you for years even after you stop your program.

Children no longer desire to play outside but prefer video games. This with the growing fast food industry in our country has led to an alarming growth in childhood obesity,

Just getting outside and being with other people keeps us more in tune with our emotional well being and helps us to connect with others. Depression can be helped by regular physical activity.

Older adults especially after age 60 can benefit from stretching and exercising. This not only helps adults maintain mobility but can decrease the onset of cancer, Alzheimer's and other diseases. Getting oxygen to each organ helps our body to produce more healthy fats and minerals that benefit our entire system. We feel better, sleep better and look better which increase our self esteem.

Aerobic expercise can help our complexion as sweat releases toxins in our skin. Always shower or at least wash our face well after a stringent exercize program.

Many older adults suffer from falls often caused by a loss of ability to stay balanced. Exercise aides in strenghtening our core (your core consists of your abdominal, back, pelvic and hip muscles) keeping us from having unnecessary accidents or back pain.

exercises to lose weight

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