Monday, September 16, 2013

WorkoutForWomen: The Most Effective Fat Burning And Muscle ...

Most people who want to burn off some excess pounds and tighten and tone your body just does not have two hours a day to spend in the gym performing the bodybuilding style workouts that most "experts" recommend Gym.

Furthermore, these sessions are made up of exercises and techniques that do not exercise the body in the way that is normally used so that complete construction of a bit useless some strength. In my opinion , most people , unless their main objective is body building , should not perform the traditional coaching style

Although I still believe that machine and free weights gym is the best choice for body building , it is the best choice when it comes to general fitness goals like strength, flexibility , endurance, etc.

I do not know about you but I can barely stand 15 minutes for the year , much less two hours ... and I'm not personally interested in muscle size alone (which does not mean strength and usually leaves you stiff and inflexible ) ! I'm sure your schedule is probably the same thing. The good news , however , is that you do not have to ... you can burn fat, increase flexibility, increase strength and incredible endurance , reshape your body , and build a level of fitness that is truly functional .

I want to share with you a workout that I personally , offering an excellent combination of strength , flexibility , cardio and muscular endurance and fat burning.

WARNING : The following exercise will not only surprise you , but it probably goes against everything you 've always thought to be true about fitness . Also , consult your doctor before starting an exercise program .

Are you ready ? Well , it's here :

The following exercises should be performed with little or no rest between and you may need to adjust the number of repetitions or time depending on your current fitness level .

Puppet -1 minutes

Bodyweight squats (squatting on one leg for advanced ) - 15-20 reps

Push- ups ( slower reps for advanced ) - as much as possible representatives

Butts kicks ( jogging in place and relax with both heels ) - 1 minute

Hamstring floor bridge ( use swiss ball or one leg for advanced ) - 15-20 reps

Superman ( lying on stomach w / arms out to the sides , lifting the legs and chest off the floor ) - 15-20 reps

High knees (running in place lifting knees as high as possible ) - 1 minutes

Fixed slot - 15-20 reps

Rotations / torso twists - 20 reps in each direction

Bends / scopes side - 20 reps in each direction

The climbers - 1 minute (if you can J )

Wall sit - as long as you can hold

Dips (use chair / bench / stairs) - Although many representatives as possible

There you have it ... Sounds easy , right? Who can not do anything , right? Personal challenge you ... try ... No , of course ! Post what you are doing and give it a try and see for yourself. If you find it a bit easy , which I doubt , perform 2-3 times without resting .

This exercise will provide more usable fitness results and benefits than any traditional gym or fitness training. Now, of course , you can implement this type of training in the gym and make it even better, but the beauty of this is that you can do anywhere!

Moreover, this is just an example and as you can imagine , there are many other exercises you can add or replace ... Really recommend switching the exercises every 2-4 weeks , or even better is to bring three or four different drive and turn sessions .

If you are not familiar with one of the exercises just replace it with one you know that works in the same part of the body. You can also get all these exercises with dozens of others in my soon to be released video , which consists of several exercises like this that you can do anywhere to build and maintain impressive levels of fitness, even workouts with dumbbells, Swiss balls , balls medicinal , and more ... look in the coming months .

exercises to lose weight

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