Sunday, September 15, 2013

Weight Loss - How To Information | eHow

  • Site That Rates Weight-Loss Programs

    Whether you are looking to lose a little or a lot of weight, the diet and nutrition industry is an ocean of good, bad and fad weight-loss programs. If you need some help examining available options, Consumer Search and its competitors offer reviews and ratings from expert and consumer perspectives. By learning more about each weight-loss program and how others rate it, you may be able to choose the program best suited to your body type and personality.

  • Importance of Eating Fat for Weight Loss

    If the word "fat" invokes visions of brownies, butter and loosening belt loops, you're not alone. People often attribute the fat they eat in foods to body fat. In reality, not all fats are created equal, and some are essential for good health. Healthy fats are also helpful allies for people looking to lose weight. It's important to know your fat facts so that you're equipped with satisfying food choices that complement and support your weight-loss efforts.

  • How to Lose the Freshman Fifteen and How to Conquer Unnecessary Calories

    The "freshman 15" is a light-hearted expression that reflects an all-too-common reality for many new college students. With all-you-can-eat dining halls and no one overseeing how much students eat, gaining weight isn't rare. Although a little extra weight isn't the end of the world, it can set an unhealthy precedent for the rest of college and adult life. Thus, tackling the problem early may prevent health problems later in life -- do so with a combination of careful eating and frequent activity.

  • Simple Workplace Exercises That Slim Down the Tummy

    If you are like many women today, your work days are busy and leave little time for the gym. Additionally, many working women are fighting excess weight around the mid-line from stress and eating on the go. Fortunately, there are several simple exercises that can be done right from your desk in just a few minutes a day to help you stay toned and slim down the tummy.

  • Things That Affect Daily Weighing

    If you’re one to hop on the scale every day, odds are, that number is never the same. All kinds of things affect the number you see, from your diet to the time of day you weigh yourself. Because these fluctuations are normal from day to day, it might be better to weigh yourself once or twice a week or take body measurements instead.

  • Can You Still Lose Weight Eating Anything You Want if You Burn More Calories Than You Take In?

    It is possible to lose weight by eating unhealthy foods if you burn more calories than you take in. However, unhealthy diets can cause nutrient deficiencies and drag you down. Eating a poor diet also makes it more difficult to control your calorie intake for effective weight loss, because unhealthy foods are generally high in calories.

  • Does the Elliptical Bicycle Burn Fat?

    An elliptical machine is commonly used as an alternative to the traditional treadmill. Since using an elliptical requires more effort than a treadmill, you may believe the additional effort means you're burning more calories. An elliptical is not necessarily a magic ticket to fat burning. Losing body fat depends on a combination of decreased calorie intake and increased physical activity. Along with a healthy diet, an elliptical machine can help you meet your weight-loss goals by providing aerobic activity.

  • How Long Will it Take to Lose 50 Pounds With a 1,200-Calorie Diet?

    Eating 1,200 calories a day is often appropriate for women – and some men – for effective weight loss, according to the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute. The amount of time it will take to you lose 50 pounds depends on your rate of weight loss, which is determined by your calorie intake. However, not everyone eating 1,200 calories a day loses weight at the same pace.

  • How Does Getting More Sleep Help You Lose Stomach Fat?

    Your training routine and diet are in check, but that stubborn stomach fat just won't budge. It would appear that you're doing everything right, but you could be missing one final component of the fat loss equation -- sleep. While you might not immediately think so, sleep plays a big role in how successful you are in beating the bulge, and getting more of it could lead to faster progress.

  • Chocolate Fix for People on a Diet

    There is that one craving that never seems to go away, the craving for chocolate. Unfortunately, chocolate is typically a high-calorie treat containing saturated fats and added sugars. Chocolate can be incorporated during weight loss and when following special diets, as long as dieters make smart choices and practice self-control. Satisfying that chocolate craving may even make the diet more successful by preventing feelings of deprivation and boredom.

  • Losing Weight Steadily

    There's a reason fad diets and quick fixes are so popular in the weight-loss world -- when you want to drop pounds, you want it to be quick and painless. Unfortunately, while quick-fix diets might be effective on a short-term basis, they almost never produce steady, long-term weight loss and maintenance. If you really want to lose weight and maintain a healthier lifestyle, it's slow and steady that wins the race.

  • Three Essential Elements of Good Weight Loss

    From fad diets and health shakes to weight-loss programs and celebrity exercise DVDs, there are many options to choose from if you want to drop some extra pounds and get into shape. Ultimately, though, it’s the simple approach that’s needed if you want to lose weight and keep it off. The three essential elements for effective weight loss don’t require an expensive gym membership or involve depriving yourself of food or the occasional treat.

  • Is It More Wise to Rest or Exercise After a Heavy Meal?

    You had a little -- or a lot -- too much to eat. It happens to the best of us. But now, you feel heavy, lethargic and maybe a bit gross, too. It might seem like a good idea to burn off those extra calories with a long, strenuous workout, but this isn't always the best choice. Sometimes, it's better to rest and let the feeling of bloating pass. You can always work out in the morning.

  • How to Lose Weight With Gratitude

    According to a University of California researcher, gratitude is key to attaining a stress-free and happy life, both of which are essential to weight loss. Those individuals displaying gratitude tend to make healthier food and lifestyle choices, which can lead to a drop on the scale. Feeling thankful means being appreciative when you lose weight and being kind to yourself even when you don’t. Most importantly, feeling gratitude helps you remember that the number on the scale does not define your personal worth.

  • Steps to Slim Down

    More than one-third of the American population suffers from obesity. Causing diabetes and heart disease, that extra "fluff" around the midriff can be burned off with a nutritious diet and regular exercise. It doesn't take crash diets or miracle drugs to stay thin. By remembering a few steps, you can fit back into those tight jeans and begin a new, healthier lifestyle.

  • Good Workout Ethic to Burn Fat Quickly

    Burning fat quickly is the same as burning it effectively. Cardio alone contributes to about 10 percent of your fat loss. The most effective way to burn body fat is to build lean muscle. The more muscle mass you have the more fat you will burn. To burn more fat, incorporate resistance training and cardio into your exercise regimen.

  • Different Diets to Go on to Lose 10 Pounds

    According to PRWeb, an estimated 75 million Americans are dieting, and the weight loss market is worth over $60 billion in the United States alone. Yet, many highly effective diets are available on the Internet for free. The diet that's best for you depends on your own goals and preferences. If you've got strong willpower you might choose a more extreme option like the Get Shredded Diet, but if you're in no rush and can't live without certain foods, there are alternatives available.

  • How to Lose Weight in the Trunk Area of the Body

    Losing excess weight from your trunk area can improve your appearance and health. This area, which consists of your chest and back, also includes your abdomen, which is often a problem area for many people. Excess fat in this area increases your risk of medical conditions, such as high blood pressure, stroke, certain cancers and heart disease. Because you can't lose weight in just one area of your body, focus on losing weight from your entire body. As your overall weight reduces, so will the excess weight in your trunk area.

  • How to Lose Weight for Your Birthday

    Being able to show off your hard work and commitment to being healthy and losing weight is much easier when you set a deadline, such as a birthday. Deadlines allow you to determine how much weight you will be able to lose by a certain date, given your everyday intake and output. The right combination of eating healthy and exercising will get you to your goal weight just in time to celebrate with your friends and loved ones.

  • How to Shrink Your Waist With Yoga

    In order to lose belly fat, you have to lose body fat. The best way to lose body fat is through a combination of healthy eating, cardiovascular exercise and strength training. When you focus on strengthening your core with yoga, not only can you relieve low back pain, increase balance and stability and improve posture, but you can also help to make your abdomen look smaller and more defined as you lose weight.

  • How to Build Self Discipline Yourself to Lose Weight

    Years of poor eating habits and a lack of exercise can leave you with pounds of excess weight. Even worse, those habits and choices can block the way to healthy weight loss when you lack the willpower to make a change. In fact, 27 percent of Americans cite a lack of willpower as the greatest barrier to change, according to a 2011 study by the American Psychological Association. If you really want to lose weight, self-discipline will play a huge part in making good health a habit, rather than a fleeting interest.

  • When You Lose Weight the Healthy Way, Is it Easier for Your Body to Keep the Weight Off?

    Although it’s likely to take longer to reach your goals, making the extra effort to lose weight the healthy way will pay off. While you may be tempted to go for more quick weight-loss techniques, such as diet pills or severely limiting your calorie intake, doing so not only is dangerous but it will more than likely provide temporary results.

  • How to Evaluate Weight Loss

    Tracking progress is a critical component of any long term goal -- especially weight loss. If you're on the quest to shed some unwanted weight, evaluating your weight loss along the way can help keep you encouraged and motivated. However, there is more involved in evaluating all the dimensions of weight loss than just stepping on the scale. Relying solely on the scale doesn't provide the full picture, so keep other measurements in your weight-loss arsenal to keep you on track to your goals.

  • The Best Way to Lose Weight if You Have Tried Unsuccessfully

    More than two-thirds of adult Americans are classified as overweight or obese, according to the American College of Sports Medicine. Weight loss is a profitable industry, but unfortunately many people have a very difficult time losing weight and keeping it off. To really see permanent changes in your body, you cannot look at the journey as a short-term fix. Instead you need to focus on lifestyle changes that you can maintain for the rest of your life.

  • The Truth About Losing Fat

    Many myths exist surrounding fat burning and weight loss. Topics such as eating late at night, meal frequency and low-fat, low-carb and vegetarian diets are all promoted as fat-loss methods by different individuals and groups. It can be extremely confusing trying to decipher fact from fiction. Fortunately, however, the truth is that losing fat is actually a relatively simple process, provided you follow a few key guidelines.

  • How Does Archery Burn Calories?

    If you’re looking for a new hobby or have previous experience with archery, you’ll find joy in knowing that the sport certainly burns some calories. While it isn’t too physically demanding and probably won’t help you dramatically shed pounds, you can enjoy an afternoon of archery as part of your regular workout regimen.

  • If You Weigh 400 Pounds, How Much Weight Can You Lose in One Month?

    Weighing 400 pounds classifies you as obese, according to the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute. Although weight-loss surgery is often appropriate for obese individuals who have failed using other weight-loss strategies, diet and exercise are cheaper alternatives. The amount of weight a 400-pound person will lose in one month depends on the type of weight-loss strategy he uses.

  • How to Lose Weight With Quinoa

    Although your total calorie intake is most important for successful weight loss, the food you choose for your meal plan affects your calorie intake. Quinoa is a whole grain that is rich in fiber and protein, both of which are beneficial for healthy weight management. A 2009 review published in the “Journal of Nutrition” reports protein increases satiety and energy expenditure, which aids in weight loss. High intake of dietary fiber, which is abundant in quinoa, enhances weight loss and reduces your risk for obesity, according to a 2009 article published in “Nutrition Reviews.” Incorporate quinoa into your diet to…

  • How to Lose Weight With a Management Program

    Losing weight can seem like an uphill battle, especially after years of poor health habits and a lack of direction. However, it's important to remember that weight management programs are not meant as a one size fits all solution. What works for another person might not work for you, which is why it's important to involve your health care provider when you're ready to choose a management program. By carefully selecting a plan based on your habits, lifestyle and goals, you have a better chance at weight loss success.

  • What Causes You to Lose Weight & Gain It Right Back?

    Although 103 million Americans successfully lost weight in 2010-2011, two-thirds of the dieters were unable to keep it off, according to a survey conducted by the Calorie Control Council. Maintaining weight loss may be more challenging than actually shedding pounds, since maintenance is a long-term process compared to the relatively short amount of time it takes to reach a desired weight goal. Several factors determine whether lost weight will come back quickly.

  • Bike Commute for Weight Loss

    Combined with a healthy eating plan, commuting to work by bike regularly will help you meet your weight-loss goals. Biking to work instead of driving significantly boosts your caloric expenditure, which is beneficial for any weight-loss program. A study published in a 2009 issue of “Archives of Medicine” found that individuals who regularly commuted by walking or biking to work had lower body mass indexes, blood pressures and triglyceride levels, and were less likely to be obese.

  • How Many Minutes Per Day Do You Have to Work Out to Get Fit?

    Exercising on a regular basis helps you maintain a normal body weight while increasing energy and endurance levels. It also reduces your chances of developing obesity, high blood pressure and heart disease. In addition, regular exercise helps to clear your mind and relieve stress.

  • How to Jump Rope With a Partner

    Jumping rope can help you get regular cardiovascular exercise, which plays an important role in keeping your heart and lungs healthy. This exercise can also help you lose weight. Jump rope routines with a partner are highly customizable and you can progress from simple routines to complex, challenging ones as you both increase your jump roping skill.

  • Eating Less Vs. Exercising & Eating Same Amount for Weight Loss

    More than one-third of the adult population in the United States is obese, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention notes. Obesity has been linked with serious medical conditions such as heart disease, stroke, Type 2 diabetes and cancer. Diets and exercise both offer the promise of weight loss to varying degrees. But the million-dollar question is whether one is better than the other.

  • How to Flatten the Lower-Belly Area in Women

    The lower-belly area can be a problem zone, even for otherwise fit people. Particularly if you've had children, it can be tough to get your stomach muscles to bounce back. Your body type and other hereditary factors can affect how easy it is for you to flatten your belly, and some people will never be able to achieve true washboard abs. However, with regular exercise and a healthy diet, you can shed fat in the area and get closer to your fitness goals.

  • Can Yoga Make You Look Younger?

    Yoga is rapidly increasing in popularity -- "Yoga Journal" reports that 20.4 million Americans practiced yoga in 2012, as compared to 15.8 million in 2008. While yoga won't reverse the hands of time, it can help you look better, and even a little bit younger. The health benefits of yoga can also slow down the wear and tear on your body that comes with age.

  • How to Lose Weight Without Changing an Exercise Routine

    When it comes down to it, weight loss is a simple mathematical game. If you create a calorie deficit -- meaning you consume fewer calories than you burn -- you will lose weight. There's really only two ways to create a calorie deficit, by increasing your exercise or cutting calories. If you're happy with your exercise routine, you'll need to trim calories from your diet to shed pounds.

  • Fat-Burning Circuit-Training Workouts

    According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, nearly 36 percent of Americans are obese. Thus, if you need to lose weight and burn fat, you're not alone. To lose weight most efficiently, both exercise and dietary changes are needed. One reliable form of exercise is circuit training, which involves quickly moving from one exercise to another in a predefined order. To maximize the fat-burning potential of such training, consider factors such as exercise selection and duration of rest periods. Always ask your doctor before starting a new workout routine.

  • Can You Get a Flat Stomach After Three Kids?

    Getting your tummy flat after multiple pregnancies is not as hopeless as you may be thinking. With a bit of commitment and activity, you’ll wonder why you were concerned whether your belly would flatten. If you are struggling to find the time to exercise or are having trouble with diet and exercise, don’t worry. There are many effective solutions to match your dietary preferences as well your schedule.

  • Is it Unhealthy to Use a Sauna After a Workout?

    If you enjoy sweating it out in a sauna after your workout, you're not alone. It's a nice way to relax your muscles and soothe your body. According to Harvard Health Publications, lazing in a sauna postexercise is just fine for most people. But if you fail to hydrate properly, it can be harmful. In addition, people with certain conditions shouldn't use a sauna, either after exercise or at any other time.

  • Effectiveness of the Kettlebell Workout

    Kettlebell workouts have been around since the 1700s when they were developed by Russian strongmen. In recent years, they have returned in a more modern fashion in gym classes and workout videos to use at home. Kettlebell workouts can be effective in many ways when they are done properly.

  • Eating Tips & Exercises to Get Rid of Stomach Fat

    Excess abdominal fat places you at an increased risk for major health issues, including type 2 diabetes and heart disease. Even if you're at a normal weight overall, carrying that excess fat around your weight elevates the risk, so taking measures to lose belly fat can give your health -- and your self-esteem -- a big boost. Although genetics determine where your body stores fat, and there's no way to spot reduce, there are still some things you can do to get rid of belly fat and prevent it from returning.

  • Is Yoga or a Gym the Best Way to Lose Weight?

    Once you've decided that losing weight has risen to the top of your fitness wish list, it's time to develop your calorie-burning workout to help you get results. If you've narrowed your choices to taking up yoga or joining a gym to use its various exercise equipment, each type of workout has numerous benefits, but one will help you burn calories quicker.

  • Can You Get a Flat Stomach Just by Walking and Going on a Diet?

    While spot reduction is impossible, walking and watching what you eat can help you lose weight and tone up all over, including your stomach. If you are looking to lose weight, then you need to burn more calories than you consume. By modifying your diet and walking most days of the week, you’ll quickly be on your way to a flat stomach.

  • How to Improve Your Lat Muscles Without a Gym

    Two classic lat exercises are the cable pull-down and the assisted or non-assisted pull-up. The lats, short for latissimus dorsi, are the largest muscles of your torso, extending from your inner-lower back region, across your back and looping around to the front of each upper arm. As the two main functions of the lats are to bring your arms down towards your sides and also to bring them back, you don't necessarily need a gym to work them. At home, you can work your lats with dumbbells or resistance bands.

  • Does Running on Hills Make You Lose Calories?

    Running on hills can annihilate calories, if you are up to the challenge. While moderate aerobic activity on flat land, like running on a track or a treadmill, is efficient for burning calories, adding hills into your running routine is markedly more effective. Take your cardio to the next level by burning calories with an uphill running workout.

  • How to Breathe After a Workout

    It might be tempting to stop and completely rest after a tough workout -- your body is tired and so are you. But before you check out after your workout, give your body enough time to properly cool down. Proper breathing after a workout can give you a chance to catch your breath, but it also slows your breathing rate, decreases your body's oxygen demand and helps you relax, according to the Cleveland Clinic. Catch your breath and restore your body before your workout is truly over.

  • How Can Men Lose Weight & Build Muscle by Only Doing Bench Presses?

    The bench press works your chest, shoulder and tricep muscles, but also hits your core and lower body to a lesser degree. It is a staple exercise in many bodybuilding, powerlifting and general strength-training routines. Because the bench press works so many muscle groups, you'll get a bigger metabolism boost and calorie burn from bench pressing than you would from an isolation exercise such as a triceps pushdown, according to Mike Robertson of Indianapolis Fitness and Sports Training. This means that the bench press can be an effective weight-loss exercise for men, as well as a strength builder.

  • Recommended Exercises for Females Losing Weight

    It seems like you gained that extra 25 pounds overnight, but losing it can take months or even years. Cardio, also called aerobic exercise, is beneficial for losing weight; however, it's important not to overlook the importance of strength training and nutrition, too. A balanced approach to weight-loss, together with lifestyle changes, can help you lose weight and keep it off.

  • Running and Walking Programs for Losing Weight

    Running and walking both burn loads of calories. Alone or combined, both of these workouts can help you lose weight. If you want to lose weight quickly, stick with a running program. When you cover the same distance, you burn more calories running than walking, according to Joanna Golub, nutrition editor at Runner's World. If you want a program that is gentler on your joints, focus on walking.

  • Can Running Burn the Last Bit of Belly Fat?

    Extra pounds tend to park themselves on your midsection, and it seems that stubborn belly fat is always the last thing to disappear. You cannot selectively shed fat from your belly, but running burns tons of calories, which can help you shed that last bit of excess. Make running a part of your routine most days of the week and you’ll be flaunting a toned abdomen in no time.

  • What Is the Easiest Aerobic Exercise to Lose a Pound?

    Losing weight is far from easy, but designing a weight loss program around the most basic and simple aerobic exercise of all -- walking -- helps make it a bit simpler. It seems like an ineffective weight loss strategy, but walking can actually help you burn fat and promote cardiovascular health, no matter your fitness level. By following the right routine, walking can help you lose a pound of bodyweight within as little as two weeks, especially if you eat healthily.

  • How to Sweat More on a Treadmill

    Sweating is nature’s ways of cooling down your body temperature, which is important during an intense treadmill workout. The amount that you sweat depends on a number of factors, such as gender, fitness level, body weight and intensity of the workout. Although women have more sweat glands, men tend to sweat more because their glands are more active. Fit people will sweat more quickly during a workout than sedentary people. However, sedentary and overweight individuals typically sweat more. Change the settings on your treadmill or use fitness tools, such as weights, to sweat more during your workout.

  • Which Exercise Burns More Calories: Brisk Walking or Grocery Shopping?

    If you're looking for a way to burn calories to lose fat but don't have access to a gym, consider simple, everyday methods of exercising. You don't need a treadmill or stationary bicycle to burn calories; you can burn calories through activities you're likely doing on a regular basis, including walking and shopping for groceries.

  • Does Jogging Really Burn More Calories Than Running?

    In general, jogging burns fewer calories than running. However, the total number of calories you can burn depends on your pace and the duration of your workout. Since jogging at a slower pace than running may allow you to exercise for longer periods of time, your total calorie expenditure may be greatest sticking with a jogging pace. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services encourages adults to participate in at least five hours of aerobic physical activity each week to reap extensive health benefits.

  • Does Yoga Get Rid of Fat on Your Hips and Stomach?

    If you've been peeking through the door of the yoga class at your gym but haven't quite mustered up the bravery to grab a spot on the floor, take the plunge and give this ancient practice a shot. Yoga is an effective way to build your muscles and create a feeling of calm and relaxation. Although yoga will help you burn calories to get rid of fat throughout your body, you can't target specific areas for fat loss.

  • How to Lose 50 Lbs Without Exercise

    Exercise can help you lose weight, but it's not absolutely necessary. If you're injured, too busy or just hate to work out, you can still lose weight. It just means that you'll need to watch your calories and cut them back. Trim the appropriate calories from your diet and you can expect to safely lose 50 pounds in less than a year.

  • Online Yoga Techniques to Lose Stomach Fat

    Losing stomach fat is challenging under any circumstances, but especially if you're stressed out. According to Harvard Medical School's Harvard Health Publications, the stress hormone cortisol is linked specifically to the accumulation of abdominal fat. Though you can't spot-reduce belly fat, you can lose body fat overall with regular cardio exercise and a healthy diet. To reduce the accumulation of more fat in the stomach, however, perform yoga to reduce stress and cortisol levels. Yoga can also help you develop toned abs for a stomach you'll want to show off.

  • How Many Weeks After Exercising Do You Start to Lose Weight?

    Exercise burns calories, and burning calories can help you lose weight. Many people faithfully head to the gym in hopes of losing weight, but find the number on the scale doesn't budge. You may wonder how many weeks it will take for you to start to see changes. The answer to that question depends on numerous factors, including how much you are exercising, at what intensity level, what type of exercise you perform and what you put on your plate once you get home.

  • Workout for the Width & Thickness of the Lats

    The lats, the abbreviated name of the latissimus dorsi muscle, is a large muscle located in the back. This muscle acts on your arms, allowing you to move your arms medially, or toward the midline of your body. It also helps you extend your shoulders, bringing your arms in the posterior direction. To increase the width and thickness of your lats, you must do a combination of these exercises using resistance. Do three to five exercises per workout. Each exercise should comprise of three sets of eight to 12 repetitions.

  • How to Lose Weight in 7 Days Without Exercise

    A loss of 1 to 2 pounds per week is recommended as the ideal rate of weight loss to maintain energy, safeguard your health and keep weight off long-term, says the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Although incorporating exercise and diet into your weight loss plan is the best approach, it's still possible to lose weight in seven days without exercise. In addition to a reduced-calorie diet, you can also lose weight by burning calories with fun, enjoyable activities that don't feel like formal exercise.

  • Which Exercise Burns More Calories, Jumping Jacks or Situps?

    If you don't have time to visit the gym several days a week for your workout, focus on developing a home-based workout regimen that can help you burn calories and build muscle. The exercises you choose don't have to be complicated; jumping jacks are an effective way to burn calories and situps can help you develop a strong core.

  • Do You Have to Do Exercises With Weight Watchers to Lose Weight?

    Embarking on a new diet plan is a great way to improve your health, but it can be daunting to try an ambitious exercise plan at the same time. If you have just signed up for a nutrition plan such as Weight Watchers, you may be wondering how important exercise really is for weight loss. Technically, eating healthier will directly lead to weight loss, but you get a lot more out of your diet when you combine it with exercise.

  • Do Leg Lifts Help You Lose Weight?

    To lose weight, you need to burn more calories through activity and eat fewer at meals and snack time. Leg lifts may be a common addition in fitness routines from Pilates to Jazzercise, but they are not a big calorie burner. Beginning exercisers may use leg lifts to build strength and tone, and athletes may use them to correct muscle imbalances. Leg lifts alone, however, will not help you lose weight.

  • How to Put Music on an iFit

    An iFit home workout system uses two methods for playing music through its speakers. Customers may either dock their portable music player to the machine's music input or download workout programs with music from the official iFit website. At the time of publication, there is no way to simply download your own music into the iFit's internal memory. However, one of the two options should enable you to work out using music that gets your legs moving.

  • 20 Secrets to Fat Loss

    Eat less, exercise more.That’s the simple solution to anyone’s weight loss questions. But if it were that easy, more people would be in great shape. Turns out, some of your other behaviors play a big role in fat loss. Try these 20 tips — including several surprises — to fire up your metabolism and speed your lean body transformation.

  • What Helps Tighten Up a Fat, Saggy Tummy?

    Hiding or disguising a flabby or saggy stomach can be a constant preoccupation. Although you want to lose that excess belly fat and tighten up your muscles, finding and sticking to a long-term solution may prove challenging. There's not one tried-and-true way to tighten up your tummy — instead, combine various techniques to find a regimen that works best for you. Come up with a personalized plan and commit to it.

  • How to Create at Home Dumbbells

    Working out at home is a terrific idea for those who either cannot afford gyms or who do not enjoy working out in front of others. The ability to work out at home has been improved with videos, weights and weight systems available at many health stores. Homemade weights, however, work just as well as store-bought weights and are environmentally friendly. Make some dumbbells for an at-home workout with materials lying around the house.

  • How to Calculate the Total Number of Inches Lost During Weight Loss

    To get a more accurate account of your weight loss progress, in addition to keeping track of the total number of pounds you lose, you should also continually calculate the total number of inches lost. Resistance training as well as aerobic exercise is the generally recommended workout strategy when endeavoring to lose weight. The problem is resistance training is designed to build and tone muscles. Volume muscle, because it’s denser, weighs more than fat per unit. Therefore, if your bathroom scale shows only modest weight lost, or even weight gain, if you know you’re still losing inches you know you’re…

  • How to Calibrate a Mechanical Scale

    Whether you're baking, trying to lose weight or doing science experiments, it's important that your scale be properly calibrated. Without accurate data, you may not get the results you desire. All mechanical scales have a calibration dial so you can make sure the readings are correct.

  • How Can I Tighten the Skin on My Abdomen if I Lost a Lot of Weight?

    Losing a large amount of weight is an accomplishment to be proud of. It takes willpower to stick with a diet and exercise plan long enough to really make a difference. Unfortunately, losing a lot of weight, especially in a short time, can leave skin loose and sagging. The best way to avoid loose skin on the abdomen is to lose weight slowly and exercise regularly. If extra skin is an unsightly problem after your weight loss, there are ways to help tighten it up -- but it can take up to a year to restore elasticity. You may need…

  • How to Drop a Pant Size in a Week

    Dropping one pant size in seven days is a difficult task, but with dedication, exercise and the right diet, you can make it happen. If you need to slim down a bit before a formal event or are simply looking to lose a little weight, the most important thing to remember is that you have to do so with your greater health in mind. Crash diets and fasting may show results over the short term, but could end up being worse for your body over time. If you want to lose weight and drop a pant size in one week,…

  • How to Get a Smaller Waist in a Week

    Unless liposuction is an option, reducing just one area of the body is not possible. If you desire to get a smaller waist, you must focus on reducing fat from your entire body. Natural remedies to slim your waist require regular exercise and a healthy diet. Additionally, there are also targeted exercises you can incorporate to help tone and tighten your tummy, so it appears smaller.

  • How to Lose the Extra Skin From Being Fat

    Excess skin after weight loss can affect your self-esteem. Even if you've reached your goal weight, you may still be plagued with loose hanging skin. Quick weight loss, genetics and loss of your skin's elasticity as you age, all contribute to the excess skin. Surgical skin removal is costly and risky. Instead, adjust your lifestyle and incorporate remedies that can gradually help you tighten up your loose skin.

  • How to Keep Off Weight After Moving in With a Boyfriend

    Whether you get married or not, cohabiting with a romantic partner increases your risk of weight gain and obesity. According to WebMD, partners who live together lead a more sedentary lifestyle, exercise less and eat out more. When you are single, you may feel more motivated to stay slim and trim to attract a partner. Once you've moved in with your partner, this motivation often dissipates. To avoid weight gain after settling in with your boyfriend, stay committed to your pre-cohabiting diet and exercise routine.

  • How to Get Slim in a Month

    You can have a slimmer body in one month. Exactly how slim, however, depends upon your current weight, you current body composition and what steps you start taking today to reduce your body fat. Through a combination of diet and exercise, one month from today you can have a slimmer waistline, slimmer thighs and so forth. But you have to make a commitment to do so. There are no shortcuts. The only way to reduce body fat is to consume fewer calories than the body requires to satisfy its energy needs.

  • How To Drop a Dress Size for Teens

    Many teenage girls wonder how they can drop a dress size in a healthy manner. In order to drop one dress size, you must lose 10 to 15 pounds or one to two inches from your bust and hips. The best way to do this is through healthy eating and exercise. Fad diets will not work because they cause muscle loss, which can actually cause fat or skin to hang more loosely and add inches.

  • How to Get Rid of a Gut Fast

    Almost every day the fitness media bombards us with headlines such as ''Lose your stomach in Five Days'' or ''One Week to Perfect Abs." Regardless of the advertising spin, losing stomach fat is one of the most difficult and challenging things to do, particularly if you have a full-time job and are already struggling to make time in your day for your family and deal with daily tasks. If you really want to lose the fat fast, you're going to have to show discipline and determination. It's not impossible, but it takes hard work.

  • How to Lose Your Lower Side Fat

    Unfortunately, there is no way to reduce fat in one specific area of the body. The only way to lose fat on your lower side is to reduce your body fat composition overall. The percentage of body fat loss varies throughout different areas of your body when your overall body fat composition is diminished. You can, for example, lose 10 lbs. of fatty weight. Thirty percent of that 10-lb. fat loss may come from your thighs and calves, 15 percent from you waistline, and so forth. Each person is different. While you cannot spot-reduce body fat, you can spot-build muscle.

  • How to Eliminate Under Chin Fat

    Fat under your chin can affect your self-esteem and self-confidence. Whether the excess fat occurred due to aging, genetics, fat or fluid buildup, there is no need to resort to expensive surgical procedures, such as liposuction or a neck lift. Simple neck exercises can help firm up the neck muscles while a healthy diet and exercise routine can aid in fat loss. Because losing fat from one area is technically impossible, take on a whole body approach to tackle your fatty chin area.

  • How to Burn Cellulite Fast

    Cellulite can form in men and women, although women are more prone to the orange-peel skin condition because they have more body fat. Many commercial products and treatments promise to help you get rid of your lumpy skin. However, expensive surgery, wraps and anti-cellulite lotions only provide temporary results -- and besides, it's nearly impossible possible to get rid of cellulite completely, only to reduce its appearance. A more affordable way to reduce the appearance of cellulite is to eat nutritious foods and get plenty of exercise.

  • What Is Isokinetic Resistance?

    Isokinetic resistance training and exercise provide a person with a variety of motions at a controlled speed. Isokinetic resistance is popular among victims of injury. Isokinetic exercise is grouped with isometric and isotonic exercises as types of muscle training, but isokinetic resistance training is the fastest way to build muscle.

  • How to Avoid Getting Nauseous While Working Out

    Many exercises experience lightheadedness or nausea while working out. Nausea while working out can be attributed to hydration, caloric intake and motion sickness. An imbalance in any of these factors, or a combination, may lead to exercise-induced nausea. Knowing what you can do to avoid nausea will allow you to continue enjoying your workout.

  • How to Drop a Waist Size for a Dress

    If you are the bride, the bridesmaid or merely attending a gala event, often times the dress is purchased in advance and waiting for you to fit into it. The problem could be that you need to drop a size to put it on. Fortunately, there is a way to boost your metabolism and take inches off your waist by eating the right foods and adding daily exercise and weight training to your schedule.

  • How to Cut a Spot in a Shoe Sole for a Nike Sensor

    The Nike sensor works in conjunction with Apple's iPod and iPhone to track the distance you walked or ran, total time spent, calories burned and pace. Nike makes shoes that include a compartment designed to accommodate the sensor in the sole. If you don't want purchase a new pair of shoes just for the purpose of working out, you can cut a spot for the sensor. To avoid cutting into your shoe, you can also purchase or create a Nike sensor pouch.

  • Eating Tips for Your Obliques

    Sleek, toned obliques -- the side abdominal muscles -- can make you look shapely and sexy. It is important to note that you cannot reduce fat in a specific area of your body; you have to reduce total fat with exercising and diet if you want to see a change in your obliques. For optimizing your abs, make a few changes to your eating habits.

  • How to Reduce Your Waist After 40

    Many people blame difficult weight loss after the age of 40 on a slowing metabolism. The truth is, your metabolism is accountable for only a 5 percent slowdown per decade past 40, which isn't much, according to Neil Osterweil, author of "Fighting 40s Flab." Realistically, poor nutrition habits are the cause of most midlife flab. Long hours at work and quick convenience foods contribute to most of your weight gain after 40. Fortunately, reducing your waist size at this point in your life is attainable with a bit of hard work and some lifestyle changes.

  • How to Calculate Weight Using the Harris Benedict Equation

    The Harris Benedict Equation is used to estimate your daily calorie needs. The formula is a calculation of your Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR), the number of calories your body burns when completely at rest, multiplied by figure representing your physical activity level. Having an estimation of what your daily calorie need is gives you the ability to calculate how many calories you must consume each day to maintain your current weight, or how many calories you must consume to lose or gain weight.

  • How to Achieve Thinner Thighs

    To slim your thighs, a full-body approach is required. Solely focusing on your upper legs is not going to give you the desired results because reducing one area of the body is impossible. If you perform the wrong type of exercise, it can have an adverse affect and you can end up with even bigger thighs. Proper exercise is only one factor that helps you reduce your thighs. Diet also needs to be adjusted to keep your weight under control.

  • How to Get a Slim Torso

    The torso, also referred to as the trunk, consists of the abdominal muscles, back muscles and pectoral muscles. It is the midsection of the body, which is often a problem area for many people. Men and post-menopausal women are prone to gain fat in the abdomen. To slim down the torso, you have to slim down all over the body because you cannot spot reduce one area of the body. A healthy diet and targeted exercises can help tone and slim your midsection.

  • Fair Ways to Do Weight Challenges With Different Body Frames & Weights

    Weight challenges are very common in the workplace and workout facilities, as well as among running and other exercise groups. These competitions may be for money, for recognition or for other prizes. There are several methods for fairly measuring the winners in these types of competitions, regardless of different body types and shapes.

  • How to Rid Type G Bodies of Fat

    The gonadal body type, or G-type, is characterized by a more supple lower body. Women with G-type bodies tend to put on weight around the hips or the thighs. Losing weight can feel like an uphill battle at first, no matter what your body type. Once you find the routine that is perfect for your body type, you will see the pounds fall off. Women with G-type bodies will lose fat most effectively by starting a routine that helps them eat better and work out moderately though effectively.

  • What Are the Benefits of Ace Bandage Body Wraps?

    Modern body wraps are intended to promote benefits like inch loss and detoxification through the placement of warmed combinations of algae, seaweed and mud on the body. The original version of these body wraps used Ace bandages as opposed to more natural elements. Some spas and specialty centers still offer these bandage body wraps; the wrap treatment can have many benefits for a person who tries it. Body wraps with Ace bandages are done by wrapping the arms, neck, legs and torso with warm and moist Ace elastic bandages.

  • How to Lose Fat and Look Fit

    Looking fit means living a healthy lifestyle and getting in shape. If you are overweight, your health is at risk. According to the National Heart Lung and Blood Institute, being overweight puts you at an increased risk of heart disease, hypertension, stroke, osteoarthritis, type 2 diabetes and certain cancers. Losing fat, and keeping it off, is best when done gradually by adjusting your lifestyle to one that you can maintain for the duration.

  • How to Decrease Your Midsection

    The midsection is a trouble area for many people who struggle with taking fat off and toning the ab muscles. Excess fat around the stomach is not just unsightly, it is a health hazard. A flat, tight stomach is the result of healthy eating, strength exercises and cardiovascular conditioning. With dedication to this healthier lifestyle, claims, "your patience and effort will pay off in a lifetime of better health."

  • How to Break the Bad Habit of Late Night Binging

    No matter how strict your diet during the day, late night binging on unhealthy foods is a bad habit that will keep the pounds packed on. In addition, midnight snacking can intensify preexisting heartburn conditions and can result in acid reflux. Both a short-term and long-term action plan are needed to stop the excess calorie intake and to address the underlying issues that are sending you to the fridge in the middle of the night.

  • How to Fast When You Have Children

    Fasting is an activity performed for many reasons, including religious holidays, governmental protests, or even weight loss. Fasting can be quite difficult, as most humans feel the need to eat at least twice a day. Fasting with children around the house can be even more difficult, as they won't be fasting,and will most likely be eating food right in front of you. In order to avoid temptation and have a successful fast when children are around, you may have to prepare beforehand.

  • How to Lose Fat for Good

    Losing fat and keeping it off requires a commitment regardless of the amount of weight you need to shed. If you have been yo-yo dieting trying to get rid of excess fat, it is time to stop the vicious cycle. Instead of taking on the latest fad diet, adjust your lifestyle. Take on enjoyable exercise and realistic eating habits that will help you lose fat and keep it off without feeling deprived.

  • TrimSpa Products

    TrimSpa products are weight loss and appetite control supplements marketed by Goen Technologies. The label claims on these products have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Advertisements for TrimSpa X32 Original Formula featured the late model and actress Anna Nicole Smith, who was outspoken about her efforts to maintain a healthy weight. In 2004, the FDA banned the sale of supplements containing ephedra, including TrimSpa X32 Original Formula. As a result, ephedra-free TrimSpa products appeared on the market. The official TrimSpa website now informs consumers that only one product, Advanced TrimSpa X32 Rapid Release, is currently…

  • Fastest Way to Reduce Weight

    Medical professionals recommend losing 1 to 2 lbs. per week for healthy, gradual, lasting weight loss. For faster weight loss where you still maintain your health, you can make additional adjustments to your diet and exercise regimens. Avoid drastic calorie cutting, which is characteristic of crash and starvation diets, because this behavior can backfire and result in uncontrollable cravings, binges and yo-yo dieting.

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exercises to lose weight

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