Friday, September 27, 2013

Lose Weight Fast, Remove Fat, Slim down, Fit Healthy

Eliminate, or strictly limit (apart from the occasional treat), refined processed carbohydrates. You can find a full list of these particular foods further down this page, listed under Related Questions. Refined processed carbohydrates are a major cause of weight gain, obesity, fat accumulating around the stomach or abdomen, insulin resistance, and many diet related diseases.

In addition, exercise to cut the belly bulge is cardio exercise such as brisk walking, steep hill biking, hiking, etc.

Eat smaller meals, eat more meals a day, don't starve yourself, eat more vegetables and fruit, drinks more water, use less sugar and empty calories such as refined carbohydrate foods. Prefer a full body exercises. Get a training partner or a fitness trainer (a very worthwhile investment - of the money you save on junk food for example).

Once you have a plan, set a goal. Keep a "diary" of your belly weight loss, and who knows! The results are endless! Just get inspired and set your mind to it. You might just end up looking like Cameron Diaz!

You should do a cardio work out that will burn fat. Then maintain a balanced diet that is lower in calories than you burn in a day. That way your body does not think that you are starving and begin consuming muscle instead of fat.

There are a few ways by which you might lose your stomach fat. One is various types of crunches. Don't forget to stretch after, though. That's when you really "activate" the exercise. Start with about 2 sets of 20 a day, resting or drinking water in between. Increase by 10 or 15 more every week. Another thing you have to do is eat highly nutritious foods... any weight loss pro can tell you that.

A cardio workout will burn the fat but if your genes dictate that your fat hangs on to your stomach, it will be difficult for the world to discover your six-pack. Oftentimes, our genes dictate where the fat goes. Spot exercising will build the muscle but it may not remove the fat. Our bodies love to hold on to a certain percentage of fat. If we go too low, then our body starts to tear down our muscle -- an effect that works against us.

Drink plenty of water, eat vegetables, fruit and lean meats, in reasonable quantities. Another thing I see is so many people make a mistake of doing cardio first, then weight train. Weight training should be first, then cardio. Weight training requires quick and immediate power sources (carbs are burned easily). Cardio will use leftover carbs if any, then go to fat burning, which is a more complex energy source. Cardio doesn't demand the quick burn of energy weight training does. If you weight train after cardio, then your body burns protein, which is your muscle.

If you want to know if you can get rid of the stomach fat, look at your family and relatives. If no one has a slim stomach, chances are you won't be able to totally lose it. However, if you have relatives with a no-fat stomach, cardio and working out with weights is the best way to define your abs. One other point to remember, the older you get the harder it is to achieve a defined stomach.

From what I understand, there is no way to target a particular area on the body for fat loss. Building muscle in a particular area does not "burn the fat around it." I suggest getting your body in a catabolic state, which is burning more calories than eating. Your weight loss will be a combination of muscle and fat from all around your body (there is also no way to just burn fat). Once you have lost enough weight, build muscle to reduce your body fat percentage and target those abs and maybe they'll show right through! In not possible to spot reduce fat in just one part of your body like your belly so to lose belly fat you will need to lose the fat all over your body.

Spot reduction of fats is not possible in my opinion. Let me give you an example. If you pick up a mug of water from a tub of stored water, where does the water come into the mug? Is it from the top, bottom or where? Similarly it's tough to judge the spots from where fats are pulled out. Nature knows best and the laws of nature cannot be broken either. So when you do sit ups, it induces work from the stomach muscles and tones them up. But the calories burnt will never be pulled from abs alone. It will be pulled out from the whole body. So for natures choice, the fats will be pulled out lastly from the mid section.

A good approach to attain your physical goal would be to do cardio activities like walking or jogging thrice a week. Train abs and other body parts on non cardio days. Something like on Monday, Wednesday and Friday do weight training and abs, on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday do cardio, and rest on Sunday.

Cardio Exercises + Abdominal Exercises + Healthy Diet (plus eliminate or strictly limit refined carbohydrates/processed carbohydrates) is the best way to lose belly fat. If possible, do some strength training exercises as they improve the body metabolism and hence you can lose more fat. Fiber and water are the two key ingredients to losing fat if your not working out.

For more information about how you can lose your stomach fat, see the page links, further down this page, listed under "Related Questions."

New mothers all over the world try to find how to lose stomach fat after C-Section. As much a blessing that pregnancy and birth may have been, your body has been stressed a lot. What is left, especially after a C-Section, is an "apron" of fat hanging down. There are a lot of things that you have to get used to and dealing with that extra flab around your belly isn’t one that you should have to worry about.

All mothers have gone through this to one extent or another whether they had a C-Section or not. Many have found ways to lose this extra bit of weight they would rather not have. Not only is this considered unattractive, it can bring about pain and discomfort. Here are some ways that you might be able to overcome this.

1- Do Pilates Exercises

Pilates is a very safe and comfortable method of exercising that helps to tone muscles and bring flexibility to your body in a way that won’t stress it. It is able to be done safely by people of all ages and physical conditions. This will also help to get your body back in proper alignment. Not only will it help your body, it is very therapeutic having a background in yoga. Your body was stressed. Pilates will help bring peace back to it.

2- Walk.

You may not have the freedom to go out for a walk every day by yourself, but this is a good excuse to show off that new stroller you got. Getting fresh air and vitamin D from the sun is good for both of you. Don’t try to do too much too soon. Do as much as you feel comfortable with. Walking is a good aerobic exercise for you and helps burn the fat all over. Wherever it is that you have put on extra weight, this will help get rid of it. If you have a treadmill at home, take advantage of it during some of your babies nap time. Don’t think that you need to work out at every nap time, though. You need your rest, too.

3- Flutter Kicks and Crunches

Do exercises that focuses in on your abs. This won’t get rid of the fat there, but it will help tone the muscles underneath. Crunches are pretty easy to do, but don’t stress yourself too hard. Be safe and find the correct way to do them. Flutter kicks are exercises that you do while lying on your back. Put your hands under the small of your back and lift your legs a couple inches off the ground. Make quick, but gentle, kicking motions like you are swimming on your back. Do this for a couple minutes a day and you will find your ab muscles getting stronger. Make sure you don’t push yourself too much, though. If you feel discomfort, stop what you are doing.

If you can do these exercises and eat a well-balanced diet that provides you with the food you need to recover and the right nutrition for your child if you are breast feeding, you will have found a great way how to lose stomach fat after a C-Section.

So you've been wanting to slim down. Has it come to the point where you're saying, "It's no longer an option. This weight has to go"? If so, you're on the right track; making the commitment is the first step. Here's the second: a simple, sensible exercise and eating plan. Follow our program and drop those pounds in 90 days!

Month One: The Starting Line

Goal: to lose seven pounds

Time: three 40-minute sessions per week

Status report: This month you'll begin to burn calories, boost your metabolism, and see inspiring results!

Cardio: Start with 20 minutes of heart-pumping movement — go for a brisk walk, take a bike ride, jog, etc.

Target heart rate: 120 to 140 beats per minute. To determine, place your index finger on the artery between your collarbone and jawline. Count beats for one minute.

Strength/resistance: Next, perform these exercises. Start with a weight that's heavy enough so you "fail" by the 10th rep (meaning your muscles are too tired to do another), counting to three when bringing the weights up and again when bringing them down.

Reps: one set of 10

Month Two: The 50-Yard Line

Goal: to lose seven pounds

Time: four 65-minute sessions per week

Status report: I'm positive that you already can see and feel the difference. Just don't get tempted into "treating" yourself for your progress. The best is yet to come.

Cardio: 25 minutes, with increased intensity (on a machine, increase the incline or the resistance; if you're outside, cover more terrain in less time).

Target heart rate: 130 to 145 beats per minute

Strength/resistance: Repeat the program from last month but push harder. To ensure "failure," use heavier weights (go from five-pound weights to eight). You can also intensify the workout by slowing your speed from a three count to a four count.

Reps: two sets of 10

Month Three: The Home Stretch

Goal: to lose six pounds

Time: five 90-minute sessions per week

Status report: Either you've followed the plan to the letter and are looking good, or you've got some serious catching up to do. Here is your final assignment.

Cardio: 30 minutes, high intensity

Target heart rate: 130 to 150 beats per minute

Strength/resistance: Repeat the exercises, upping the weights slightly. Just remember: fail, fail, fail.

Reps: three sets of 10

The Exercises

Standing Biceps Curl


Modified Push-up

Shoulder Press Lunge

Back Row in a Partial Squat

Squat with Lateral Raise

Read more: Lose 20 Pounds Fast - Diet and Exercise Plan to Lose 20 Pounds - Good Housekeeping

Question: How do I tone up and lose fat under my arms and around my triceps?


The triceps (located on the back of the arms) are, unfortunately, a place many of us tend to store excess fat. That makes it difficult to get rid of and, unfortunately, spot training won't work. In other words, you can't do tricep exercises and hope that will reduce the extra fat there. The body actually uses energy from the entire body during exercise, not just from the muscles you're working.

Your body may be in charge of when, where and how you lose fat, but that doesn't mean you can't do something to help things along. Your first step is to focus on losing overall body fat with exercise and a healthy diet. There's no guarantee you'll lose fat from your triceps right away, but allowing your body to respond to your program will tell you what your body is capable of achieving.

Part of that process is strength training for the triceps (and the rest of your body as well). Triceps exercises won't reduce fat there (not specifically, at least), but they do help you build more muscle. More muscle means firmer, stronger triceps and a higher metabolism overall, something that will contribute to overall fat loss.

Losing Body Fat

If you want to tone the triceps, focus on:

Regular cardio exercise in your Target Heart Rate Zone. For fat loss, the general guidelines suggest cardio most days of the week for 30-60 minutes (or working up to that if you're a beginner). More about cardio exercise for weight loss and cardio workouts.

Strength training for your entire body (triceps included) at least 1-3 non-consecutive days a week. There are endless ways to lift weights, but it's best to start with a simple beginner's program, if you're just getting started. Learn more about strength training for beginners, setting up a complete strength and cardio program, and find a variety of workouts for every fitness level.

A healthy low-calorie diet. Exercise can help you burn calories, but your diet is where you can really make a difference. A few simple tips to consider:

Keep a food diary in which you write down what you eat or drink. Successful weight losers regularly monitor themselves to keep themselvs on track.

Use a tracking website or app to track and calculate your calories. Some favorites: Calorie Count, FitWatch or Lose It! (More fitness and diet apps)

Rather than depriving yourself, focus on adding healthier foods to your diet. Fruits, vegetables and other foods with lots of fiber, water and nutrients help fill you up, leaving less room for naughtier fare.

Keep an eye on your portion sizes.

Make small changes every day instead of changing everything at once.

Give your body time to respond to what you're doing. Even if you're not losing weight exactly where you want, that doesn't mean you won't get there eventually.

Green coffee contains a compound, chlorogenic acid, which could help you lose weight if taken while following a proper diet and physical activity practices. The loss of aroma and flavor that is not toast it could make if we get in return for aid in our fight against the scale.

Green Coffee To Lose Weight

The study, presented at the 243rd Meeting and Exposition of the American Chemical Society, was conducted by a group of researchers from the University of Scranton (Pennsylvania, USA), led by Joe Vinson. Involved 16 young volunteers who are overweight or obese, who consumed 28 grams of green coffee for 22 weeks, ie over five months.

In addition to the intake of green coffee, the group followed a diet low in fat and made a physical activity program. The results were quite notorious, and who lost, on average, 8 kg, which represented just over 10% by weight and about 16% of their body fat. However, it should be noted that the study was relatively limited, both in terms of the number of volunteers and their temporal extent.

According to Vinson, the ratio of green coffee slimming effect could be in chlorogenic acid, as is believed to reduce glucose uptake and decreased the maximum hyperglycemic. And the reason that coffee should be green is that, when roasted, said compound is destroyed. The price paid is that the green coffee is less flavorful and aromatic than the roast, besides having a slightly bitter taste.

However, other experts say it is possible that that slimming effect is due rather to the stimulant properties of caffeine. However, what is certain is that a fundamental part of the test diet was followed by the volunteers, along with adequate physical activity. Therefore, once again no signs but, basically, effort

Weight loss foods for women to lose weight

Weight Loss Foods for Women to Lose Weight and Avoid Early Death is well known fact that the right weight loss methods used together with healthy food give the best results. Also, they help in reducing diabetes and premature death. There are many issues with fat and obese people but they don’t need to panic or worry about their problems. Weight loss gaining is a difficult process. One should be very dedicated and committed towards the work outs for weight loss and fitness. So many factors influence the weight loss process including proper sleeps at regular timings, good health, balanced diet and last but not the least the choice of food.

Foods Have Influence During Weight Loss Process As mentioned above the food has great contribution over our body during the weight loss fitness regime. If we do a quick review on what makes people put on overweight, the result comes out as excess intake of food. Some people have no control over themselves when eating and this way of doing continues until when they realize that they got excess weight which is already late by then. So instead of noticing at the last minute, if people would have taken some care about their eating and dietary habits they would not meet this tough time in their life. But even it is late now, no need to worry as there are so many weight loss experts professional fitness trainers available out there.

Food Accumulation at Inappropriate Areas The most helpless area in our body that gets affected by over food consumption is waist line. If this is the case, it is now time to follow precautionary measures. We should not be surprised if experts say our life is in risk because of fat piled up at waist lines. Yes its true, those fats that are stored at those areas cause trouble to respiration of the lungs. Therefore the result is premature death in most of the people. Food Items Used for Weight Loss Now let us have a look at food items that influence the weight loss and thereby helping those who want to get the perfect shape along with good health.

Fishes like salmon, sardines, mackerel, fresh tuna, trout and herring are excellent for losing weight in women. They are the source of vitamin D and contain Omega- 3 fatty acids which prevent one from sudden death due to cardio vascular disease. Cinnamon which is good for blood sugar and diabetes, Soy and grains such as rye, oat and barley prevent heart disease and help in lowering cholesterol respectively. Green tea is outstanding food and prevents some cancers in the body. It helps in boosting up metabolism in the body. Hope the above list of foods make the great evolution in weight loss process and fighting against obesity

I’ve been eating less than 500 calories each day for the past 2 weeks until i read a question on how much you loose eating 500 each day and the responses really snapped me out of it , cause it freaked me out about the long- term results and don’t want to die! So how can i go about losing weight quickly but in a healthy way? I heard the 6 small meals really works, I really like cheese sandwiches and they’re only 100 calories each cause the bread is 40 and the cheese is 60 and I’ve been having that for three meals each day, should i have a balance of more stuff, is it possible to give me a little guide i can follow and maybe i can switch it up a little with some other foods that go in that category? Please don’t judge me, i already know that’s a stupid thing to do and I’m going for the healthy approach now, so please just help me out. I’m 15 and turning 16 in a month and i want to lose some weight I’m about 110, 5′0

First of all, I am not sure that 5′ 110 pounds is fat. Maybe you need more body toning than losing weight.

Secondly – Weight Loss is 20% exercise and 80% proper diet. Even vigorous exercise alone is not sufficient for healthy, effective weight loss. A nutritious, balanced diet is the major player in attaining a healthy weight, safely.

1. Take a multi-vitamin, and drink about 8 glasses of water a day.

2. Plan a nutritious diet, with the right-sized portions. A proper diet consists of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats. Each meal should have a mix of It’s a common myth that eliminating fat entirely means losing weight. Without fat-intake, your body cannot absorb essential vitamins and minerals.

3. Be sure to eat plenty of fruits and veggies (the greener the better), along with your meals.

4) The Right Mix of Exercise – most exercise routines should consist of aerobic (anything that increases the target heart rate, i.e. running, cycling, dancing, etc)and anaerobic ( weight lifting, stretching, calisthenics). There’s also plenty of fun ways to get that exercise in by dancing or playing sports or even walking your dogs!

5) Allot the right amount of time depending on your weight loss! Don’t be too focused on the scale. Remember, are doing a wonderful thing for yourself just by eating right & exercising at a rate that works for you

Im on a diet also and the best thing I have tried is this..You like frying stuff? cause if you do use virgin olive oil..It helps digest fat and if you look at the back of it it sounds real bad for you due to the fat that’s in it but it just digests that fat and some that everybody has….Also something that helps is just try home cooked food instead of fast food..Here’s an example..Everyone likes hamburgers right? except vegetarians but also being one is healthy and good for the animals…Hamburgers that they process have about 90% more fat than home made meals especially grilled meals cause it just melts the fat all off..The problem with fast food hamburgers is that its processed from the worst parts of the cow which it like the organs and bones sometimes mixed in..Sounds gross eh?..The small parts inside CAN brake your teeth very easily so forget the fast food and just don’t eat much as you normally do and use stuff like slim fast when you get hungry it tastes great and really works! perfect……There you go….If you really really just wanna still at least eat sandwinches use whole grain bread and reduced or 0% fat American cheese (that’s just what i prefer use what you would like)…yummy…and use mayo with olive oil…much MUCH smoother….Now another thing is that you don’t weigh that much as I read but its good to get as much reduced fat when you can do so…That’s what im trying to do.

exercises to lose weight

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