Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Health And Fitness: Eating A Low Carb Diet Is Easy

By Ron Stucky

If you pick up a diet book or go online and look at weight loss websites, chances are a lot of what you'll come across are low carb diets. This started over a decade ago when the Atkins diet hit the market and became an overnight sensation. Although people who religiously followed such diets did lose weight, it was common for them to later gain it back because they were unable to maintain such a strict regimen of eating hardly any carbs at all. Despite what some diet books claim, you need some carbs in your diet.

Concentrate on vegetables when you prepare or order meals. Vegetables are among the foods with the least amount of carbs, whereas foods made from wheat or other gluten based foods are quite high in carbs. You should keep this in mind when you eat out or order food to go at a deli. A salad is always a good choice, and most restaurants have a few vegetarian dishes to choose from.

You are getting some carbs when you eat vegetables, but not that many, and they are "good carbs." You have a wide selection of vegetables to choose from, such as spinach, carrots, chard, and lots of others.

By focusing on whole grains, you can immediately start eating a healthier diet. Whole grains are also very helpful at keeping you on your low carb diet. These are the the healthy, nutritionally dense type of carbs that can replace refined flours and other such unhealthy carbs. You can easily find whole grain alternatives. Breads, pastas, breakfast cereals and other foods can all be found (or made from scratch) with whole grains rather than refined grains and flours. Whole grain foods make it a lot easier for you to substitute in low carbohydrate foods for high carbohydrate foods without having to give up anything you love.

There are a lot of different ways to eat low carb diets. You mainly have to focus on eating healthier type carbs. You may want to do further research on the distinction between healthy and unhealthy carbs. You wouldn't want to eliminate all carbohydrates, as your body needs some of them. If you need help keeping track of what you should and should not be eating, you should work with your doctor and a qualified nutritionist.

Every day you can find some kind of way to reduce the amount of carbohydrates in your diet. Carbohydrates are important to your health, so make sure your diet includes some carbs. The best option is to choose a low-carbohydrate diet. If you really want to become unhealthy, the way to do it is to give up good carbs, while overindulging in bad carbs. Ask your doctor or nutritionist if you need help figuring out a meal plan.

About the Author:

exercises to lose weight

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