Why do I share this with you? Through all the laughs, disappointment and sorrow I've learned: We can use the power of our feelings to build a stronger, happier, positive life. I've also discovered a secret way to facilitate this process: affirmations.How Affirmations Work.As you may or may not know, affirmations are simple exercises that can tap you into this positive, creative part of yourself. It's the place that's free from your ego (you know it: the ego is the leaky tire in constant need of being filled from outside sources).
Affirmations are different. They allow you to reveal the secret, powerful, depths of yourself and care for your being by affirming what is there. Do you feel a calling toward a particular feeling you have been having? Is there something in your life that you need and desire to manifest? If you can use your mind's eye to creatively visualize, you can bring forward all that you desire.How? Simply affirm that is already here.Creating Affirmations.The key to the success of an affirmation is its potential or the potentiality of your creative thought. The laws of the universe will respond then not to your asking for what you wish, but rather your affirmation that it is already here. Look at these statements:
I am beautiful! I am healthy! I am kind and loving.Thus, it takes the ideas of creative visualization one step further. Affirmations take a picture from your thought to create a statement about this thought in a verbal format. Take some time to affirm what is in your heart. What do you wish for? Choose an affirming statement to focus on and place your attention on it:
Get clear and get motivated. The clearer your visions and the greater the motivation, the better your chances will be of success in achieving your goals. Get all the components of your ideal life down on paper and be bold in your dreams - amass a mountain of reasons about why you must accomplish your goals; write down all of what it will cost you if you don't pursue your vision and all the joy that will result from their achievement. Put your goals and reasons in point form on a 3" x 5" recipe card and read it often; before bed, upon waking and throughout the day. Create affirmations that show these goals and capture the zest of your motivations, and move yourself towards your goals with a plan to realize it. Take any and all action that you think will take you a step closer to what you desire.And let go of "how" it's going to happen; that's out of your jurisdiction so don't waste any time fretting, worrying or stewing about "how" or "what if" - your Higher Power has your back so learn to trust, go with the flow and enjoy the ride!
According to Abraham Hicks, the pioneers of Law of Attraction, you first have to get into the vortex. Because, until you get into the vortex, until you use the positive affirmations for self-esteem, until you are in a state of understanding that you are good enough, your mind won't be able to accept your affirmations.Here are 4 simple steps you can follow to use affirmations for self-esteem.Get into the vortex - Getting into the vortex means getting into a state of bliss and in alignment with your desires. You can do that easily by creating lists. Take a pen and paper and list down 10-20 of the best qualities about yourself. Make a list of positive aspects of a situation. With every other listing, your quality of feeling good will rise and in less than an hour, you will be able to get in the vortex with ease.
The payoff in challenging old beliefs is that we discover that it is our power of decision that liberates us from the restrictions of the past and it is our power of decision now that creates a new future to our liking. And limiting beliefs about traditional feminine roles contain great material for creating positive affirmations for women to work with in manifesting the results they desire - usually, what we desire is pretty much the opposite of the belief we want to drop, so use the old belief and reword it for the positive outcome you desire.Once we've established that certain customs and beliefs are no longer valid, we can release them and all of the influence they have on our thoughts, feelings and behaviors and consciously choose what we believe to be true for us now. Once released, we can now also give the events of the past a new meaning and choose to see any and all conditions as being for our benefit, including the added dimension of defining new roles for women in the 21st century.
Many people are curious about positive affirmations. How do you use them properly? What can they accomplish? Here are some quick tips to using positive affirmations.Structure-the wording in your affirmation should always be present tense. Affirmations should be spoken as if the statement is happening right now. If you are speaking affirmations, you should use "I am... " or "me" in your statements. If you are reading the affirmations, you should use "You are... " in the statements. If someone else is speaking affirmations to you, or you are listening to an affirmation cd, the statements should also be in "You are... " form. When you create or use an affirmation, there should be a feeling or emotion within you when you are saying it, reading it, or meditating on it. Part of the way affirmations work is through the feelings you feel on a regular basis. An easy way to attach a feeling to an affirmation can be to add: I give thanks now that... or you feel grateful now that...
Repetition- Positive affirmations work best when spoken often. I've found through years of experience and research on affirmations that choosing one or two affirmations to work on at a time is best, otherwise you'll likely get scattered results. Try to remember to say out loud or meditate on your affirmation as you are waking up in the morning and as you are falling asleep at night. Another couple of ways to reinforce your affirmations are to write one or two of them on index cards and keep that on your nightstand... read the affirmations right before you go to bed, and right before you get up in the morning.
I also recommend using your computer wallpaper to create an affirmation that you'll see when you use your computer. Also your cell phone probably has a way for you to write a banner, which you can read every time you are about to call or text someone. Listening to an affirmation cd, or saying affirmations to yourself as you are driving is another great idea.Timeframe- I have found myself expecting to see big results within a day or two of saying affirmations and often, I do see quick results. For some affirmations, there is a longer timeframe because my mind has been conditioned for so long to believe the current reality, so when I say the opposite, it may take a few months or even several months to see big results. I always see results with affirmations, it's really a matter of being persistent.
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