Monday, September 2, 2013

lose weight: Get Energy Through Diet and Exercise - blog*spot

Today many people offer different types of tips on what foods and nutrition is the best . In many cases, most of the advice offered is not beneficial for you . That's why it is important to find the right balance for proper nutrition and eating habits .
When you exercise , try to maintain good health . You also need to eat well so that your body will have enough energy to do the tasks of daily living . So you should make the most of your exercise routine .
Any type of exercise you do if cardio or strength exercises should always be your goal to eat a mix of carbohydrates and proteins. What makes this percentage to be determined of carbohydrates and protein you take is if you are doing cardio or resistance exercise and the amount of intensity that will work.
The best time to eat before exercise would be an hour before you start. If you work at a low intensity level , the food you eat before your workout should be around 200 calories. If you plan to exercise at a high intensity level , you should at least four thousand calories , but not more than five thousand .
Those who are doing cardio will have to use a mixture of 2/3 carbs and third protein . So I will give you more energy from extra carbohydrates enough protein to keep your muscles from breaking down while you exercise.
For resistance exercise , you need to eat a mix of carbohydrates and two-thirds of protein because it will help you get a lot of energy from the carbs to perform each set you do and the additional protein will help keep the muscle breakdown to a minimum during exercise.
It is also important to eat after exercise. Whenever you are exercising no matter how long you do cardio or resistance will drain your energy. This is why proper nutrition is essential to the diet and nutrition will pay off .
After his training is complete , you need to eat carbohydrates and proteins. Carbohydrates will replace the loss of muscle mass and also helps to get the protein in the cells so it can synthesize into structural protein , or muscle .
When you eat well , you will get a positive result.

exercises to lose weight

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